Saturday, January 28, 2012


          Technology is defined as " Machinery and equipment developed from such scientific knowledge."
 While some (haters) may claim that technology is only a distraction, that's not true. Yes, it has its flaws. However, no one can deny the usefulness of it.

           My parents can say,"Back in my day, I had to go to the library and..." Yes, that's all good and well for them. But I'm getting the same information they did from books (even more, actually) through the internet. 
For example, whenever I'm in school, sometimes a word or term pops up in our lesson that no one knows. But as STEP-UP, we pull out our i-pads, and simply look up the term. This is actually very handy. 
If I have an essay to type up, I can do it in Ms. Basi's (wooo. She's awesome!) class using either a computer or an i-pad. I can also easily go on my online classes and do work in school.

  People DO use their technological devices for "evil" often (texting, Facebook, etc), but the benfits outweigh the good. Technology simply makes our lives easier.


  1. I agree, technology is so beneficial for schoolwork! It makes things easier to access and stuff.

  2. Fancy kids with their macs! I bet they're wanna be STEP-UP! And I always use MY iPad for schoolwork :D

  3. 'Hater's gone be haters' I agree because there are sometime when teachers say stuff and I have to look it up.

  4. Good job. Technology does make things easier and it is very resourceful

  5. Haha (haters). But I agree completely, the benefits do outweight the bad (and Mrs. Basi really is awesome)

  6. The funny thing, is that we totally use our iPad's for games and other non-productive stuffs... but I do honestly agree with you that the benefits of being able to use it in a classroom setting far outweighs the potential for negative outcomes.

  7. Technology is Amazing and very useful. Great blog Bonnie

  8. Thanks for the special shout-out! BONUS POINTS!!!!
