Thursday, October 6, 2011

Suicide. The word alone is suggestive of negative connotations. It just sounds bad. Of course, it is though. 
 So, what does suicide mean exactly? defines it as the "intentional taking of one's own life." I'd say that accurately sums it up.

Naturally, this is just one of those topics mostly everyone has an opinion of, including myself. To take one's own life. According to most religions, suicide is a drastic sin. Severely frowned upon. I wouldn't recommend it. 

 For the most part, Christians and Catholics consider it a sin, based on the commandment "Thou shalt not kill" and the idea of life being a gift from God. To denounce that ultimate gift, one thereby denounces God. There are opposing views, however, such as that God has allowed man to have free will, and to take one's life doesn't go against His Law or interfere with His plan. 
 Judaism similarly believes in the importance of valuing life, and as so it is also considered a major taboo. In Islam, as well, suicide is not condoned, believed to be a sign of doubt in God. It is also discouraged in Hinduism, though believed to be a man's right to take his life if he chooses to do so. 

 Suicide is actually against the law in some countries. After all, it is the "murder" of oneself. 

  However, don't let that fool you. Many people actually advocate one's right to committing suicide. In many cultures, suicide is supported. In Japan, suicide is tolerated and sometimes even seen as justified. As well as in philosophy. Philosophy maintains that no one should suffer against their will.

 Every year, about 30,000 Americans take their own lives. Over half of suicides are within men from ages 25-65, and over half of suicide is done with a gun of some sort. For people of ages 15-24, suicide is the third leading cause of death. 80% of the people that actually seek treatment are treated. There are 8-25 attempted suicides to 1 actually completed suicide. Suicide is also the 11th leading cause of death in the US. Men commit suicide much more often than women, due to them not wanting to seek professional help. On average, one person dies by suicide every 16.2 minutes. 
It's a little freaky, that several people have probably just hung themselves while I was writing this.
  I have a verryyy strong opinion on suicide. However, my mom says I shouldn't post it at the risk of offending some of you XP 
Gawsh. People are so silly. 


  1. people ARE silly. good fact. nice blog:)

  2. Your mom is a nice laeday. Anyways. People are silly. I hate those who commit suicide. Except for Japanese people. They make good manga.

  3. I believe people really shouldn't comment suicide because god put us on this earth for a reason and will take us when our time comes. By the way very good post :) and the number of suicides In America per year is a crazy amount.

  4. You may have offended some (as your mother predicted) but it's a good post, nonetheless.

  5. I agree, Tim. And Tajin. Life is a gift. To take it is just... silly, to say the least. Anyway, thanks guys!

  6. I honestly agree with you. Took take away one's life is....pathetic. When others suffer and wish they could live in America, the fact that 30,000 Americans kill themselves over surmountable issues is not only wrong, but gluttony.

  7. It really is. It's just a cowardly, sad way to end your life.

  8. Yeah, suicide is BAD. I mean, why would you kill yourself when you can stay alive and solve life's problems?

  9. Very good. Try to title each blog entry.
