Sunday, April 8, 2012


Happy Easter everyone. I don't have eggs, unfortunately. Anyways, the blog topic this week is: the pros and cons of Globalization. Globalization is defined as: the increasingly global relationships of culture, people, and economic activity. Basically, it brings the world together and what not, typically through technological means.

I think globalization is good, but of course there are bad things about it too. We learned in sociology class that it is a means of the "satanic capitalists" to exploit the weaker, poorer, foreigners to do a lot of work for little pay. Still, that's typically better than what they get. The little pay they receive is enough for them to live, and they accept those conditions for a reason. Their economy gets better because more jobs are available for them. So even though they are taken advantage of, they benefit in the end.

Also, the world integrates together and becomes closer. Trade is built up. Anyone can communicate with anyone no matter how far a person is. When added all together, the pros of globalization is just better than the cons. It just is.  


  1. Nice blog! :) Good job refuting the con's and sticking to your opinion of globalization!

  2. You didn't bring eggs, but I'm expecting you to tomorrow. No excuses!

    But seriously, I'm with you on the grounds of globalization's pros outweighing the cons... since it benefits the world!
